
The club committee meets monthly, with the AGM in November each year.

The members of the committee are given below.  New members are welcome to join the committee from any squad. To contact any member of the committee please use our contact form.

Club President: Elinor Crofts
Vice President: Marisa Wedderspoon
Secretary: Carol McCreadie
Treasurer: Stephen Stormonth
Membership secretary : Paula Whike

Swim convenor : Fraser Howie
Assistant swim convenor : Graham Irvine
Child Protection : Shared role, committee rep Ashleigh Cairns
STO convenor: Kirsty Mundell
Entries secretary : Jennifer McGill
Social convenor : Claire Mackie
Fundraising convenor: Vacant

East District rep : Kirsty Mundell
Lothian Region rep : Paula Whike
Edinburgh Aquatics rep : Vacant
Swim Edinburgh rep : Elinor Crofts